coz its crap bla bla bla........................
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Tämä Oli Kaikki a Erehdys
P.S Se oli mukava kokous hän
Posted by Ikitron at 10:34 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 19, 2009
For the sake of updating my blog....
Facebook 50 tag
It's not as easy as you might think!
Copy and change the answers to suit you and pass it on.
It's really hard to only use one word answers.
Be sure to tag the person you received it from!
Let's start
1. Where is your cell phone?
2. Your significant other?
3. Your hair?
4. Your mother?
5. Your father?
6. Your favorite?
7. Your dream last night?
8. Your favorite drink?
9. Your dream/goal?
10. What room you are in?
11. Your hobby?
12. Your fear?
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years?
14. Where were you last night?
15. Something that you are not?
16. Muffins?
17. Wish list item?
18. Where you grew up?
19. Last thing you did?
20. What are you wearing?
21. Your TV?
22. Your pets?
23. Friends?
24. Your life?
25. Your mood?
26. Missing some one?
27. Car?
28. Something you're not wearing?
29. Your favorite store?
30. Your favorite color?
33. When is the last time you laughed?
34. Last time you cried?
Marley&me -.-
35. Who will resend this?
36. One place that I go to over and over?
37. One person who texts me regularly?
38. My favorite place to eat?
Outside :p
39. My favorite food?
40. Can I break the one word rule?
41. Are you serious?
42. Whats happening outside?
World War 3 Attack of the monkeys
43. A movie u wanna watch?
Ugly Truth
44. A book u wanna read?
4 CGPA for dummies
45. Last person u talked to in college?
46. Dream car?
Ford Mustang
47. What do u wanna do now?
Watch My Wife and Kids
48. Whats ur aim for today?
Annoy dad :p
49. Is the tag done yet?
50. What About Now?
Chris Daughtry
And for the record I tag everyone on my blog list on the right ;)
P.S I need to go for life rehab
Posted by Ikitron at 12:06 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 14, 2009
I'm me
I have enemies coz I stood up for things in my life....... one will deny that they have enemies.....
In my case though, I quote a friend.....
"in life, I've never hated anyone, its not my nature, I look at the big picture, if someone hates me, too bad, but fact is I don't hate anyone".
I mark every word of his and hold it tight to my chest, coz life is cruel. It is. If you don't think it is, it means you haven't grown up.
I've met different people in my whole life, each unique in their own way. Some are loved, some are hated. To me, they're just another person living their life, and for sure I see no reason to hate them.
I mean why should I hate them? coz they're irritating? Shove that word up you're a**.
If you think others are irritating, look at the mirror. Can you honestly tell yourself you are NOT an irritating person? Yea I figured......
People are different, yes we may not like these differences. But truth of the matter is, their intentions are always sincere, just like yours. Sometimes, you've just got to give something, that something's called a chance, go find it in the dictionary.
And others simply hate you for the way you are. They are jealous, yes they are. I have no freaking explanation as to why, but thats the way they are. Truth of the matter is, I could'nt care less....
Throughout my life I have taken crap, been called names, been beaten (mentally and physically), and been slandered. And I have continued to experience all that now at 19. But to be honest, I'm pretty pleased with myself. I believe I'm strong, I've taken these sorts of crap from different people, both in school and college, from all races. Yet I've never complained once. Whatever gets thrown at me, I only grab the facts, not the crap. Throughout my life I've learned and evolved. I've kept my cool constantly. I take crap with my bare hands, and not once have I taken it to heart. Fact is you can't break me. The only one who can break me is God.
I am strong. No matter what you say. I have a lot of unused energy to be unleashed inside, perhaps when the time comes. But for now, I'm pretty pleased with who I am. I am not gonna apologize for being me. What you see is what you get. If you like it, I can't thank you enough. If you don't, too bad, I couldn't give a fuck......
I pity people like you. People who love mocking others for the sake of themselves, people who love to hate people who are different. I have one word for people like you, narrow-minded. I've been around, the world is my classroom, and I think I've been lucky enough to go through this hell, for it makes me stronger tomorrow, no matter how deep the wound was yesterday.
P.S I am Ikhsan
Posted by Ikitron at 10:23 PM 3 comments
Friday, September 11, 2009
Do you like water?
....then you like 70 percent of my body -.- (sorry random thought -.-)
I'm writing this for the sake of writing it......
I'm effing bored, seriouslyyyyyy -.-
Can't really do anything now, not like I have the money to spend spend spend anyways -.-
I should really be doing calculus now.....quiz marks were awful to say the least...I'm not a happy hunter =.=
Found out something pretty shocking today in college. Took me a LONG while to digest all of it coz when she told me, it spun me a complete 180 degrees, I never expected it.....
And YOU were supposed to write the letter. To be honest when you told me you didn't, I kinda expected it....wasn't really the first time you backed off over something like this :p
But its OK. The feeling will go away. You'll feel a different kind of freedom ;) Its gonna feel reallyyyyyyyyyyy goooodddd!!
GAHHHHHH cant go to Subbu's partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!
ishhhh......y cant they just have a fweaking ktm that ends its service till the wee hours of morning and goes straight to Klang?! T.T
I SOOOO wanted to goooooo.......hearing him say his signature moan "Y la?? Y laa? Y la cant u come???"...... T.T
Maybe I should just ask Manu to tumpang me to Subs place....not that I know him -.- ....I should know him, he stays in my area gahhhhh. Why don't I know himmm?!?!?!?!
BTW I can't believe you tore off his shirt! -.- :D
How far is Banting says its like one and a half hours drive, which makes 2 if you include the fact I've NEVER driven in Banting......ishhh I know you sooooo want us to go there....I could see it in your eyes when you brought it up in the library just now :p
Kinda feeling bad for Chanee....saw her in the morning....1st thing she asked...."wheres Rebecca???".....Couldn't really answer her question....too busy thinking about meeting up wit dre and all in the library for the fweaking physics lab thingi....apparently Chanee's sms-s and calls to friends were left unaswered.....thus I was forced to call them.....and when they said they left college, I conveyed the message to her, and for the first time ever I saw that look in her face, I felt so bad for her....nobody was there to help her get that Digi sim card she was dyingggg to get so she could head on to AAR's gig. Since no one else was there I accompanied her to the shop, only to discover it was closed -_______-
Dre and I then figured that a meet up today for the physics lab thingi wasn't really viable since no one was particularly free to meet up, thus we ended up in the PBX, witnessing Mr.Vijaya at his most hilarious :D . Theatre is awesomely fun, but awesomely hardddd -.-
I'm so broke I can't even head out for a buka puasa gathering with the SOCIT-ians.....I so need that writing salary of mine which she has YET to pay me (*bash head) and that student get student scheme thingi.....gotta hate Taylors finance department -.-
I miss the edu fairsssss gahhh -.- . Its just pure fun watching teens scourging around for a college to go to. And I miss talking to parents about the possible futures for their children. You meet soooo many kinds of characters, from the completely blur ones to the type that would fully bash you upside down till you wish you were never born.
Ok getting fweaking bored.....time for pics of the week!!! (gosh I sooooo gotta stop doing it -.-)
Econo-mania had their usual fund raising activities in the 12th floor. But seriously guys.......why sell dentyne?!?!
Someone's been working really hard lately.... go figure......
Posted by Ikitron at 6:12 PM 4 comments
Saturday, September 5, 2009
It's 0.5Friday + 1Saturday = Boredom
Fedex is on TV.....I dispise him.....
Uploading pics on facebook.....mostly pics which include ducks....
Dad answered the phone, aunt answered "Balai bomba Putrajaya boleh saya bantu?" -___-
I'm so bored
I don't dare log in msn.....
I hate streamyx soooo much.....
Thx to someone I'm now the joke of adp....if pukitron wasn't enough now its camel -.-
I'm really thirsty now.....and freaking bored.
Should be doing calculus now.....
I have 12 pending friend requests.....and I don't even know them....I think....all the more reason for me to ignore the requests.....
I need futsal....badly
Ok zeriouzly needa stop cwapping.....
Posted by Ikitron at 3:41 PM 3 comments
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Gotta resume calculus work soon....
I hate streamyx 10 fold.....its killing me slowly
I hate costs too much
I hate my brain....its too screwed up....
I hate what I'm doing
Was watching the local news.....and was instantly reminded of a particular someone....the old Ikhsan
Yes the old me....well part of it.....
You see....what I saw on the what you see in the world today.....battles being fought
abroad, political struggle, rebellions, lost lives, and families in turmoil as news of their loved ones' lives being taken away in an instant blink of an eye....
Normal rite? I mean its just so typical of the world today....nothing new....
But what I saw on the news was the old Ikhsan......
The old Ikhsan was a boy of many dreams. The old Ikhsan was a boy who during his free time when he had nothing better to do.....joined his dad watching daily spills of CNN and BBC.....
Pretty sad 8 year old kid watching international news -.-
What this boy saw was destruction, people crying, buildings falling apart, f-18s flying around in
the sky like birds, tanks abundant in the city like how often you see Kancils on the road in KL.
But what went inside this boy's head was something else....
He saw hope, a change for better....
He was inspired, he knew if HE could change it all.....the wars, the destruction, the politics.
He was inspired by his own dad.....a dad who made many enemies in his time in office because he
stood up for what he believed in, he stood up and defended his dignity, he stood up for what was
right, he stood up for change.
In office he made many enemies, but the trick is outside office, he made many friends.
You name it, ambassadors from Bangladesh, India, France, Spain, Turkey, they all embraced him with open arms. They saw the white in dad, not the black. They respected him.
The Bosnian ambassador treated us like their own family. I remember the many trips to their home, the many kisses the first lady gave me ( trauma I tell you!!!), the many dinners we had together, and the many moments in the living room where Mr.Bosnia would lift Ikhwan (my young bro) and do complete 360s multiple times.I remember the many laughs we shared with them. When dad and Mr.Bosnia met, they weren't ambassadors, they were friends
And this son wanted to be just like him. He dreamed of the office, the office of respect. He dreamed of the meetings, the official dinners, the exchange of views, the cultural respect. He wanted to matter, he wanted to be heard, he wanted to be at the forefront of the line for change,
change for the better.
This young boy wanted to change the depression in the world. He wanted it to end. He wanted the responsibility. He wanted change.
He wanted to be like his father. Like him he wanted the ability to tie knots of friendship between
countries, and build a stature of respect, a stature where one day people halfway around the world will reflect upon me and say, "I like this chap, he was a man of his word, and he was from Malaysia".
Yes. The old Ikhsan had only 1 dream....ambassador of Malaysia. Sure you might've heard it sooo many times from others. For them the word ambassador means cool, big shot n bla bla bla. But for me, it meant that I could harness the ability for change, the ability to make you matter to the cause, the ability to make you heard, all for a better tomorrow.
This was the old Ikhsan, a small caricature of Charlie Wilson.
P.S: God has a plan for us all. He brings us back down when we shine highest, and he gives lifts us high into the clouds when we're low. All you need is a lil bit of faith.....
Posted by Ikitron at 10:39 PM 6 comments
Friday, August 28, 2009
1st weeks........
Its been 2 3 weeks.....wait I'm pretty sure its 2 weeks....but it feels like 3,....or is it really 3? Nah I'll settle for 2
Its been 2 weeks since I stepped foot once again in ADP....ah yes I DREAD =.=
1st week was slow....Eh wait its been 3 weeks lahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok I'll start again..
Its been 3 weeks....3 very slow weeks -.-
Everything's going reasonable I guess.....
Calculus class is niceee.....especially since the Arab is sitting wayyyyyyyyyy at the back awayyyyyy from me ;) Its soooo funnn to mock him from afar =D
Chem105 is...intruiging? I think I'll cope....thou the hardest part I guess is remembering who my group members are -_- Seriously they should introduce this new system where in particular classes students should be allocated an EASY-TO-REMEMBER name T.T
I'm gonna die in physics...of all subs :s Even more reason for me to hate 'O-levels' even more.....
Engineering grahics....I think I'm loving it....(sure Dao Yan....lets go present an engineering design....the STAPLER!!!!) ...and yes, I ended up demonstrating how to use a stapler for like 5 mins....and failed in that attempt coz I didnt realize the stapler ran out of bullets -.-
That has been life in the 12th floor so far...
Outside the doors and classrooms, life has been...interesting
Micheal and Kari were busy loathing in the program office how awesome adp was when they still were on the council =.=.......though I DO have to agree with them....while Pua Sze and Trina were bz talking and admiring Aiman and his dreadlocks.....though they have no idea how old he is....(heheh Aiman Aiman.....ko tunngu lah :p ) Oh yea AND THANK YOU ADRI FOR UR NEW NICKNAME FOR ME T.T now ppl like mariam and gang address me as p***tron -_-
Watched UP that day with the power couple....the movie was niceeee.....oh yea and pyramid I tell you qualifies as a Taylors campus...-.- You find Taylorians everywhere T.T ..... get this....we walked towards al-Ikhsan....we bumped into Darren.......we chilled at Baskin Robbins, oh Darren again.....and in the cinema guess who we bumped into...yes Darren AGAIN =.= Oh yea and this afternoon I headed to the library to get some sleep in the computer lab and guess who I found...DARREN AGAIN GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Hmmmm what else happened...oh yea 1 evening we were so bored me, a friend, and a couple decided to head to Take a Break. My aim, finish calculus. My end result: Chatting about relationships =.=
Ahh good ok handphone fully charged back to topic....
I probably made the wisest decision ever in the adp library that day. Razlan spread out rm150 on the table....rm150 which would be of my property when I shout my lungs out in the LIBRARY -.-....the 3 pieces of 50 bucks were soooooooooooooooooooo tempting....but then calculus won....I figured.....if I shout out loud I'd be banned from the library for the rest of the sem, which means bye bye rm500 library fee...means a net loss of (rm500-150) which is rm350. Sorry Razlan.....I ain't that dumb :D
Hmmm lemme think what else...oh yea hor.....that day me, a friend, and a friend's cousin (whom I finally met up after a gazillion years) decided to go shopping at ....where else......pyramid -.- ....
To simplify things and ensure confidentiality to the max I'm gonna refer to my friend as hyper and my friend's cousin as dolphin....don't ask....
So at 11 after hyper and dolphin toured the 12th floor we made our way to pyramid. On the way numerous attempts to hand the wheel over to hyper failed....NOT good for her driving prospects....[Some dads need to be proved wrong ;) ]
1st destination in pyramid...toilet =.= Not me but them....while waiting centuries for them to get done I was busy looking at this mannequin.....I ended up trying out pick up lines on ' me its sooooo funn coz they don't replyyyy :D!!!!
Once business in the toilet was settled we headed for surprise surprise Kitschen -.- a place where a particular superstar once visited. Apparently hyper and dolphin were 'a little too not over' shopping at the place.
Clothing shop after clothing shop were raided.....I became driver ala bodyguard ala bag carrier ala person-who-kept-waiting-outside-for-hyper-to-show-shirt-but-never-did-so. How it bungs me that 2 people can actually fit into 1 fitting room for hours -.- Oh yea and for some reason dolphin thinks I'm into belts??????? WTH???
After shopping I headed back to adp minus hyper and dolphin to attend engineering graphics lab with....Mr Herol.....=.= hating AutoCad week after week.....reached adp in 10 mins and guess who I bumped into AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! ..........................
......the power couple haha!!! for ONCE it wasn't Darren -.- and guess what...the power couple were holding hands over a cup of milo at mag cafe.........awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww -_____-
Lab was done at 4.55....and left straight after to catch back up with hyper and dolphin. Reached there in 10 mins...gotta love the Subang jams -.-
Once we met up, decided to head to gasoline to sit over a drink....or is it drink over a sit? or sit over over a drink? drink over a drink? ahhhh nvr mind you get the point -.-
Because it took them ages to figure out what to order I decided to take control and just order something random for them. What looked like Lemon chocolate in my eyes was actually a drink called Tweeny bird....or Twitter bird....ah yo!!!! its a freaking disney cartoon character lahhhh.....
Then all hell broke loose as dolphin decided to play truth or dare....who knew...the dolphin who I always thought of being an angel turned out to be my greatest nightmare!!! I tell you the questions posed ah......speechless....."would you rather wear a bikini or wedding gown?" waddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kwakkkkkkkkkkkk???????????!!!!!! enough said
Though I have to admit the 1.5 hours spent in Gasoline was awesome to say the's been a long time since I had such a good time laughing and cracking.....
At 6.45 it was time for me to depart...though there was still time left for hyper and dolphin to lecture and mock me on my wastage of plastic bags -.- Do you know how many fish you can save by not using plastics??? -.-
Ok so it wasn't such a bad start to the new semester....gosh if there was a PASS session for physics I'd enrol; immediately -.-. Reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy needa brush up on homework and assignments over the weekend
And there goes dad rumbling about why in the world CNN and BBC are publishing pathetic news about the caning of that Malaysian woman who got caught drinking beer. Seriously people there are other much more world intensifying and important news to talk about!!! Haih international broadcasters -.- No wonder mom's complaining too
And apparently for some reason I'm someone's son-in-law?????!!!! WTH
OK I shall stop crapping.....seriously its getting wayyyyyyyy too late......ugh I can't wait for my duit raya....I need new shirts!!!!!!!!! random thought
Ok I'm really gonna stop here now...spare you guys the blushes -.-
P.S: Very few people find friends of really great value at different times, I'm glad I'm one of the lucky few.....
Posted by Ikitron at 1:34 AM 8 comments
Saturday, August 22, 2009
So long my friend......for now
Its been 9 years........9 long years. Its been 9 years since we first met......and its been 9 years since I said 'hi' to you for the first time, and now its been 9 minutes since you flew up in the air....bound to some far away place called New York.....the city that never sleeps......
Never in my life have I ever been close to a person as I have been with you. I've set base at 3 different continents in the world, 3 different countries, yet who knew the best friend I ever had was right here in my motherland.
First time I stepped into class nervously on the first day of school I had in Malaysia I sat next to you. Whether it was His calling, or simply a matter of co-incidence.....I don't know. All I saw was a boy in a uniform wearing a tag labeled "Perfect". Though my eyes may have lied to me it took me a while to actually swap the 'e' and the 'r' to make "Prefect". Truth is the first word described you best.
You were my good friend. When others saw the bad in me you saw the good. In fact you were the only one to see the good in me. For 9 years you saw the good in me, you always believed in me no matter matter what others said. When I needed someone you were there. When I needed help you came to my aid, with no questions asked.
You were at times my guide and beacon of hope. I looked up to you. You fought for what was right, you fought for dignity. You never let anyone bring you down, you stood tall, you were unbreakable. You stood up for yourself, you didn't need anyone. You conquered your own life
Yes we had our many times in actual fact. But I guess that's the beauty of it. We were honest and open, we understood each other.....even though we were at opposite sides of the spectrum in our worlds. We grew up with these hardships, and we came out of it stronger and braver.
Things never changed between us. Nothing could ever stop us, not even school graduation. We always found time somehow, whether it was in between our classes or simply the weekends, nothing could stop us from hanging, not distance nor time.
We could talk forever like there' s no tomorrow......whether it was about school, college, friends, girls, more girls, flirting techniques, or even family. We kicked the crap outta each other on FIFA and PES, not to mention the times during P.E or futsal, it was simple football, you were the striker I was the goalie.....our main duty, stop each other at all costs, and it made us what we are now, 10 times better and closer. You were Torres I was Reina........and at the end of the day, we played for the same team, the one and only Reds.
I would never have put my money on us taking the same course ever....let alone the same uni. It looks as if we both haven't yet finished our story. I guess all we have done is turn the page on another chapter of this life we have. Its a new lease of life.
To be honest I don't know what He has in line for us. I really don't know. How I wish it was all the more simpler. Life from now on is no more black and white. I really don't know what now. Now that you're gone I have no one to talk to about what an idiot Lucas is, how we hate MU's guts, or simply the intriguing stories revolving around girls we have around us. I have no one to beat in a game of football on the console, nor have I got anyone to push me that extra step further in life, to be a tad bit more daring.
And while writing this something new surfaced. Your departure has brought back many friends back together to ponder about the good old days. Anuj a simply whacky fella indeed, Min tut the ever so big school 'show off' :p yet he's perhaps the nicest guy you'll find around. Prashant being Prashant as he is, mature and always a step ahead. Shaun, perhaps one of the most respected fellas you'll find.....simply because he believed in himself and fought for his right. Benny, perhaps at times misunderstood by many, yet is one of the nicest fellas you'll ever find in school, he of all people has the capability to surprise anyone, I owe him a LOT. And who can forget Shanthan, the heartbeat, the spine. Shanthan came in all shapes and sizes. If we all lived in a 3-dimensional world, he lived in a 4-dimensional world. I cannot put Shanthan in just have to meet him, and trust me you'll be privileged indeed.
These were only a taste of what we've both gone through. I could write a whole book of us all, yet some people have departured to their own paths. Paths that separated us all distance-wise. Will we all meet each other again on an odd event? only He knows.
This is the toughest post I've done hands down. Its just hard to let go sometimes. Life introduces many unexpected things, in unexpected packages. That's the beauty of life. This is no joke at all......
We ALL miss you a lot. All we can hope for is for you not to forget us, in the hope that somehow we will all be back as how we were before. How I'd give anything to turn back the clock and relive those moments. Those were the best moments in my life, and I only realised this when you passed the immigration counter. Talk about right timing
My route to Michigan will kick-start tonight, I'll see you next year when we both head to the same state......
We wish you all the best up there in Michigan. You're gonna do just fine, I knew that since the first day I met you. You were indeed the "Perfect" friend..........
Bros for life.......
P.S Its time to close this chapter.....its about time......I'm sure of it now that you're gone......
Posted by Ikitron at 1:33 AM 2 comments
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Another day in the office
Class started at normal.....
Class ended at 10......pretty normal
After class played pool with Rebecca and lost......unfortunately that was pretty normal -.- ........
Had lunch with Samantha and Rebecca.......quite normal
Went to KL at 12pm and got lost.......very normal
That was where my normal day ended.....
The day began at precisely 1pm.......when me and my aunt headed for JB for the rally. It was a longggg 5 hour drive to JB -.- . On the way me and my aunt chatted about kids nowadays not having enough drive or ambition to succeed in a career they truly will thrive in. We agreed that kids in school nowadays only had 1 real objective.........get as many A's as possible.
I mean yea ok grades do of course matter, but if thats the only reason why you keep entering the school gates every single day of ur freaking life until you're 17 or 18 truth is you'd struggle to go far. You're gonna need at least a small fire inside to ignite that huge dream of yours......a dream that fuels that burning desire inside of you to live your life to the max whilst enjoying the benefits. If you're in school simply for the A's on your certificate, I'd suggest you go look in the dictionary and find the word 'school'.
Ok enough of me crapping. We reached the hotel at 6.10pm, just in time for my aunt's racers' briefing. While she attended the briefing I decided to head to the room to freshen up. As I got into the life 2 other tall figures entered the lift, one in particular looked very familiar. It was a face I ever so often have seen on TV and the was Malaysia's top racing driver!!! I could barely control myself inside....though in the end I remained pretty lifeless to be honest.....way to keep my cool.
Looked for room 1027....gosh the hotel was huge. Entered the room, inserted the key into some device....then WHAM!!! all sorts of electronics went on.....sweet. Turned on the TV and started to watch some really nice shows until a potentially-destructive sms from a friend forced me to the corner table to finish up some calculus homework =.= .
Night arrived soon and it was time for the opening ceremony. The area outside the hotel where the opening ceremony was going to be held was NICE! There were bistros, clubs, cafes, free-duty shopping, starbucks :p , bars, and nice restaurants. Took some pics with the camera and videos with the camcorder. I practically looked like a media moron.....holding the camera in my left hand and the camcorder on my right -.- After the ceremony we had dinner, I took more pics, and we all headed back to the hotel. End of day 1
Day2 arrived fast. Had to wake up at 6.30am. Had a quick breakfast at the hotel then headed straight to the 1st SS. (Note: SS means Super Stage......basically a racing course or track). Few people had already gathered in the area......whilst I looked for a good standing position to snap some pics. Car after car passed. For my family this is how it worked......get to the SS super early and wait for my uncle in his 1.3 Satria race car to pass and then rush to the next SS to catch him again in action. Kinda lazy to explain it clearly so if you have no idea what I just wrote (which im betting you are) then too bad -.-......
Cars which passed by had front bumpers missing, rear bumpers and side doors falling off, and crumpled side panels. Thing is the sport of rally-racing includes a lot of cars hitting trees, tire puncture, flipping cars, and so on. You get the point. Things were going OK I guess. The aim for my uncle was to finish the race. We all were in the car until we received an unwelcome call from my uncle.......he ditched the car at the 3rd stage -.- PERFECT. I predicted an early end to my weekend. We waited and waited at the team garage endlessly in hope of seeing the yellow car. After an odd hour or so finally the car arrived. My uncle somehow managed to get the car out of the drain without a truck. The car returned with a few cracks or so but was still good to run. The organizers however prohibited my uncle from racing again for the day as he exceeded the amount of time and bla bla bla crap. In short it was time to call it a day and wait till the next day for another round of racing.
I felt a tremor on my left leg. A force that felt familiar in all sorts of ways. I opened my dazy was grandpa shaking my leg to wake me up -.- It was 6am in the morning and to be honest I had no idea what happened the previous night. My laptop was turned off beside me and received a sms from a friend......telling me what an awesome time she had the previous night at MTV worldstage and how much she jumped around (inturiging indeed.... :P ). Felt really glad for her especially after all the trauma she went through with her Cook and her unique voicebox.
Got up and ready to go at 7.30am. Headed to the first race stage of the day. Things looked a bit more livelier. People started to flood the area and a media helicopter kept hovering above lowly. Didn't manage to get close to the cars though, but still it was an awesome backdrop with the undulating hills.
The next race stage was a bit more spectacular in all respects. Not only was it a great up close spot where I was within meters of the cars passing by but I was also within meters of some really nice girls :p....another thing I loveeeeee about rallying hahaha!!
The day of racing finally ended as we headed back to the hotel for the closing ceremony. Good ol' uncle managed to finish the race and ended up some way back in the standings thanks to his trip to the ditch the previous day.
Thing is I can't really blog about rally racing.....I'd bore myself out explaining the whole thing to you. Perhaps the best way for me to explain my experience are through these following pics.......
For more pics check out here.
P.S : I'm thorugh. I'm go live you're life in peace
Posted by Ikitron at 4:18 AM 3 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
Day of Awakening
Today was the first day of 3rd sem
Started off the day by getting up at 5.30am, got ready, den drove off at've just gotta love Putrajaya roads.....its all there for you....emptiness to the brim...the road is there for you to conquer.....
Reached ss15 around 7 and voila, my favorite parking spot waiting for me beside the road, the free and *ahem illegal parking spot. Headed straight to Foh Foh for a morning drink while I await a friend to join me....expecting my notes for engr121 and a book for me to divulge on during moments of boredom....den I was expecting a mission briefing on musc103. lol
7.10 came and she arrived with her mask on.....yes a mask....she must be some comrade or avenger I wondered. Then moments later another came, then another friend came, then another friend came. So much for my place and moment of solitude and sanctuary. Gahhh
7.45 came and the they all left....peace finally stumbled before my eyes. Few minutes later headed straight to class, only to find a 2/3 empty class. So much for solitude -_- . Sat wayyy back in the class to have an eagle's view of the class.
Class ended in 30 mins. Sweet. Then headed straight for the next class, chem105. To my pleasant surprise my good friend Hoe Rui joined me in the class. Awesome dude, wacky in his own sense, always loathed his company and determination. Then while waiting for Ms.Intan I saw a familiar face breeze outside. I could see his confused look through the open classroom door. OMG it's AIMAN!!!!! A jolly good friend of mine from the Taylors PJ campus, a really really good friend. I jumped off the table I was sitting on and leaped out like a cheetah. Aiman was still Aiman, he's dreadlocks ever flocking from the back of his head with his hairband. The music mojo who performed gigs at numerous places I didn't bother to know about.
Gosh it was great to see him here in ADP. The man was here for Micro-econs, a sub that apparently wasn't offered in the PJ campus. Then as the looming figure of Ms.Intan appeared on the 12th floor hallway, I had no choice but to end our convo and save it for another day. Chem105 was.....dire. She went on blabbering about the course outline, bla bla bla, while Hoe Rui was busy calculating the percentage of Chinese girls in the classroom. He arrived at a figure of 42.35 percent. Pretty decent to be honest.
40 minutes flew by when class finally ended. I was done for the day, but home wasn't my destination. While I let my car soak in the heat outside for a little longer, I met up with dirt...oh yes dirt a.k.a Hsien Yang. Laid back dude, always a pleasure to see him. We decided to head to the ECA office to get some form for this Taylors carnival. Dirt stopped by to buy some notebooks at the shop beside, and then we went up to the ECA office to meet up with Mr.Ronson. The man reminded of me of some everyday Bollywood star -.- . Then later we headed back to ADP, when Dirt went " weih alamak aku tertinggal notebook kat kedai la.....U la cakap banyak sangat pasal futsal!!" ......oh yea GREAT BLAME YOU'RE SHORTCOMINGS ON ME!!! '-_-
Being a gentleman I accompanied him back to the shop where the owner gave Dirt that 'look' before handing him the notebooks. We then headed back to ADP after having lunch at Subway. I headed straight to the 12th floor to get my advisor's signature for my Add/Drop form. Theatre was just a little too far-fetched for me. I wasn't gonna risk the wrath of Mr.Vijaya for my grades. I was gonna drop that sub for physics. Had to wait for a long queue to subside before I could eventually see my advisor. In the meantime I filled in a precious 30 minutes talking to Terence about destination USA, while Qian Wei outlined his mission on his road to MIT, and Wey Jian was busy describing his relationship with his new gf....Janice Wong HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!! "Oh professor, I'll do ANYTHING for an A!" *ROFL ......okkokokok la kidding....LOL
After obtaining the signature I met friend X to ask bout his driving test. The guy failed the first test in.....believe it or not....the 3 pointer. Oh yes the 3 pointer....the easiest test hurdle, it confuses me how a human can fail at that hurdle. So I asked him how was the 2nd test. His words "Failed.....3 pointer again". I was speechless for 30 secs until I burst out. HOW THE HELL DO YOU FAIL THE 3 POINTER TWICE???!!!!! Dirt himself was less kind towards X. Its like what X's trainer told him..."you can fail bukit, or parking....but don't you dare fail the 3 POINTER!!!!". Seeing how distraught X was I decided to give him a break and head to the programme office to settle my Add/Drop thingy.
This was how it went with the person in charge of the Add/Drop thingy.....
Ms.Person-in-Charge: Please fill this form...
Me: *fills in form
Ms.Person-in-Charge: Ok thank you
Me *(somehere inside the body and soul of Ikhsan) : HUH?! WTF?! DATS ALL?!!!!!!
For 1 friggin week I pondered about this day.....the day when I will finally find out whether I can enroll in Physics, and yet I'll just have to live another day to find out -_- .
So much for disappointment I headed back up to the 12th floor with dirt . Met up with Alief, Atoi, Razlan, and Adri. Alief was....being Alief. Atoi....same story.....and guess what he came up with a new joke "hey wats the transformer name for furniture.....PERA-BOT" -________________-
Razlan was busy raving about theatre, making himself stand out and stuff, while Adri was......getting on my nerve.....and he came up with a new nickname for me....."puki-tron" =.=
Later I made myself look like a mean bastard in front of Mariam and Pua Sze by telling Dirt...."dude, you can't do theatre". And Dirt being Dirt decided to turn drama-queen in front of the two ladies -_- .
Then finally met up with Faisal after he's routine sleep. Then me,him,Dirt,and Alief headed to Mag cafe for lunch where Sam joined us soon after. Dirt coudn't stop singing "Fire Burning" to my face. He's reason, I look like Sean Kingston. You wait la Dirt.....
Faisal and I then headed to Pyramid to get my haircut....and as it turned out my hair after the haircut at APT was.....I shall say no further. Then me and Faisal spent a good 20 minutes roaming around the Sunway Pyramid carpark to locate my stricken car. Once again I forgot where I parked that dreadful car of mine -_- .
Once we found it (finally)....I sent Faisal back home while I headed back to mine. The highlight of the day....heavy rain on the way back. YEAH!!! Its been ages since I drove in heavy rain. I LOVED driving in the heavy rain.....the car slides around the road like an animal trying to break loose.....and the spray from the tires....awesome. It was an experience I'd behold for a long time. There is no better feeling than sliding your car around the highway, and the spray on my windshield....amazing!
Posted by Ikitron at 9:04 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 7, 2009
Hatred 101
College starts next week....and I'm not too keen on it....
Really.....I just wanna go to Johor next week and hop into that race car on the dirts....1 week of racing against Brits, Irish, and that's real stuff! I wanna skip the first week of classes -.-
I hate first days......its all "ohhh hey man wats up man!" or "hey long time!!" or "hey how was ur holidays". Yea sure please spare me the trouble.....nothings up I'm still the same Malay dumbo and wth long time??? please dude it was only a month.....and my holidays? what kind of question is that?! there's only one answer....holidays sucked!!
Whats wrong with picking up where things were left off? I'm not too keen on meeting you and I'm darn bloody sure ur not too keen to see me lets just cut the crap
And come on!!! The next orchestra performance is in October -_- ... i mean come on!! gahhh....whats up with the cooldown?! I'll just compose my own rhapsody at home then....
This period of time sucks.....oh yea and classes from 8am onwards next this rate I'll be a dead man walking in no time....THANK YOU ADP!!!
And this whole delaying thing on my shift to Subang......driving me nuts.....that bargain room is gonna be gone soon enough I just know it....thanks to my parents....who else?!!.....I need my place of solitude....
And I'm in dire need of futsal....oi dirt!! apa nie ko nak buat team ke tak?! We are so not gonna enter that competition.....and even if we do I'd have to figure out how to get to sunway grand sports planet in 5 mins -.- ......
I hate this period...*I had an awesome day today ;) thx guys
So long you've been running in circles
'Round what's at stake
But now the times come for your feet to stand still in one place
You wanna reach out
You wanna give in
Your head's wrapped around what's around the next bend
You wish you could find something warm
'Cause you're shivering cold
It's the first thing you see as you open your eyes
The last thing you say as your saying goodbye
Something inside you is crying and driving you on
It's the first thing you see as you open your eyes
The last thing you say as your saying goodbye
Something inside you is crying and driving you on
Posted by Ikitron at 12:02 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
House arrest day 168
My boredom = watching movies endlessly at home
Because I have nothing pathetically better to is the rating countdown of the last 5
movies I've watched so far....
5. Transformers: Revenge of the FallenMassively over-rated to be honest. Great robots, great action scenes, heart-thumping combat, but stupid -.- . Sam Witwicky awaken from the dead?! what the hell is this resurrection????....yea and not to mention how dumb the citizens can be....I mean even after the first Transformers installment and the great showdown between Optimus Prime and Megatron that the people had NO IDEA THESE ROBOTS EXISTED?! oh come on! Don't tell me they can't notice those massively huge machines which move about in the city smashing everything in sight!! gahhh...LAME. Yea and what's with that kid Leo huh?? He's just a waste of screen time really. Perhaps the only shining star of the movie...John Turturro aka Agent Simmons. Yea the man single-handedly saved the movie from being a bore militarial movie.
Quote of the movie: "Oh professor! I'll do ANYTHING for an A!" - Judy Witwicky
4. Stomp the YardA decent movie in all aspects. If you're into breath taking and impossible dance techniques and
executions, then Stomp the Yard is the perfect movie for you. The romance in the movie = Lame + waste of time. The face-off between the fraternities at the end of the movie = brilliance in
cinematography. This movie showcases the determination and grit of the respective fraternities in their road to greatness....and at the end of the day there is always and only one winner...
Quote of the movie: "It's not just about you. It's about us, we're a team" - Duron
3. Yes ManA really fun movie to witness. Screw the plot, watching Jim Carrey in the movie is priceless
enough. You can watch it over and over again and each time you'll be glued to your seat that I
assure you. The more you watch the more you'll love Jim's acting in the movie. I tell ye not many actors out there will leave a good impression like Jim Carrey does despite a relatively predictable and mediocre movie.
Quote of the movie: "You ever had a Red Bull? Ive never had a Red Bull before, but I had a Red Bull last night - I really like Red Bull" - Carl Allen aka Jim Carrey
2. White ChicksAnother hilarious movie indeed from the Wayans brothers. One thing about this movie is it's humor which is quite unique in it's own way, different from other comedies you find on the big screen. Terry Crews provided an nice touch to the movie playing the self-centred and obsessive Latrell Spencer. All in all White Chicks is a great family movie indeed, so just sit back, relax, and let those tears of laughter drip from you're ducts.
Quote of the movie: Triple t, k, a. Time to totally kick a**! - Wayans brothers
1. August RushOk here's what I thought about music before watching this is what you here in the
radio fullstop. Here's what I thought about orchestras before watching this movie....its just a
group of overpaid musicians playing instruments which I've never even touched in my life.
Here's what I thought of music after watching the is a combination of
sounds...sounds you here everywhere, whether its the sound of screeching cars, strong winds, the drilling of machines on the roadside, or the sound of a person in the toilet doing....their thing.
And for as for orchestras, to me they were now beautiful symphonies of music and sounds put together to make one piece of a beautiful rhapsody defining the four elements of earth, fire, wind, and water. Heck I told myself after school that I am NOT gonna take a single subject of music ever in my life....yet now I'm pondering over dropping theater for music 103 next semester -_- . That is how influential the movie has been to me.
August Rush is the perfect movie. Keri Russel one GORGEOUS and FINE lady *ahem. And Freddie Highmore...the star of the movie...the wonderkid, the prodigy, the angel. I'd give anything in the world for his musical talent. Even at this age I'm still having trouble writing the G major on the scale, and this kid is already off composing his own rhapsodies -.- . Gahhhh I need to get into Juilliard fast! The movie is a piece of art. When a friend told me this movie was about a small kid in his quest to search for his parents through the sounds of music I was like....."yeah hey did you know I can run faster than Usain Bolt -.-" . How wrong was I. In August Rush I was introduced to the world of music. For a guy who lived on F1, football, cars, and *ahem transformers....this was something completely new to me. It totally changed the way I looked
at life. This movie is a breath of fresh air....and I highly doubt I'd ever watch a movie even
remotely as good as August Rush. Props to Kirsten Sheridan, well done to you.
Quote of the movie:
"You know what music is? God's little reminder that there's something else besides us in this universe, a harmonic connection between all living beings, every where, even the stars" - Wizard aka Robin Willaims
P.S: I need to get outta here!
Posted by Ikitron at 1:03 PM 3 comments
Monday, August 3, 2009
Its 0113 hours GMT 1714
I'm so mom's watching err....P.Ramlee movies.........
My dad's erm.....sleeping...I think
Me? I'm in my den.......and staring at something called a laptop, and I'm doing something called chatting on msn.....its basically this program which allows you to 'text message' with people who are not physically in front of jolly cool aite!!!
Witnessed this auohsome move aite! August Rush....fairplay to the directors!! aouhsome movie im tellin ye!! I watched it by me self!.....and im tellin ye 10 reasons why ye should watch it!!
A- A+ : My rating for this movie
U- U : It's rated U so everyone can watch...
G- Gaze : Word to describe girls' expression when Jonathan Rhys Meyers appears in a scene -.-
U- Unbelievable : The kid's musical talent....
S- Symphonies : The best ones you'll ever witness.....
T- Tantalizing : Keri gorgeous lady...
R- Robin Williams : Who doesn't wanna miss a Robin Williams movie huh?! Flawless
U- Unrelentless : The music throughout the movie....
S- Superb : The guitar solos and duels....
H- Heavenly : Word used to describe Freddie Highmore in th movie
P.S I will fight, even if it's a losing battle.....
Posted by Ikitron at 1:50 AM 4 comments
Sunday, August 2, 2009
My life today from A-Z
A- August Rush : Watched it today.....awesome movie...."ye wanna mess with me frens??? oy!"
B- Bush : I saw Bush's face on TV for the first time in a gazillion months
C- Curse : Was watching a movie and someone cursed in the movie -_-
D- Dumb : What I think of myself
E- Empty : The state of my stomach
F- F1 : I live F1 =)
G- Grades : Something I need to improve badly
H- Hello : Something I said to a friend
I- Iki : My nickname ;)
J- Jams : I hate KL jams
K- Kissing : I saw a couple kissing during my evening jog
L- Left : There is a couch on my left
M- Moon : I can see it through my window now
N- Need : I'm in need of something called "a life"
O- Operation : I have a friend who's gonna have her 'Cook' removed
P- Progress: I'm making progress on my daily work-out program
Q- Queen: England has a Queen
R- Race : I'm itching for it
S- Symphony : I'm starting to like it :p
T- Thursday : I have plans
U- Umbrella : Haven't used one since last year
V- Vacuum cleaner : I feel so lazy to use it
W- Weather forecast : No rain for tomorrow
X- X-ray : Never had one
Y- Yawn : I just did that
Z- ZZZzzzzzz : My state of mind
P.S: Tell me why it's so hard......
Posted by Ikitron at 12:30 AM 6 comments
Saturday, August 1, 2009
A Finnish privilege indeed
Read a friend's account on meeting her beloved and entrusted 'idol'.....thought I'd share mine :p
For 8 years have I followed this 1 man closely....yes 8 years -.- . He inspired me to do the impossible, he gave me hope....hope that even the most ordinary people can become great, great people. His humble-ness and walk-the-talk attitude was simply mesmerizing. He lives in his own world, Kimi world.
Kimi Raikkonen was a man of his own. Thats exactly the reason why I admire him, more than anyone else in the world. He coudln't give a damn about what others thought about him, he didn't give a damn if someone won 7 world championships. The only thing he cared at its purest.
SO on the fateful day... 1 week before the 2009 Petronas F1 Grand Prix in Sepang (which wud've been my 14th visit to the circuit) was announced that Kimi would be scheduled for an autograph session with the fans. FINALLY!!!. After 8 years of waiting...I get to meet the man himself!
Preparations were myself a friend who was willing to tag along early on that Saturday to Sepang. We reached there on that day at around 8am, and the autograph session would start at 12.30pm -.- . Even the entrance gates were still closed at the time we arrived. Ended up spending a good hour taking pics of the speed demons, trying out some gadgets, taking more pics of some really beautiful cars, bought stuff....
Then finally the gate opened at 10am. We both rushed in and made our way towards the stage where Kimi would be having his autograph session. Arrived there and made it into the first line....stage 1 complete!
Next challenge.....filling up 2 hours of boredom queuing under the blazing sun =.= . Ended up texting a friend who really shoud've come along (its ok u'll meet him soon enough in the US ;p ), listening to music, and trying to ignore this really annoying guy who kept talking about badminton and trying to impress a group of Japanese girls queuing up along. Gosh he was so annoying I was raring to shove his small flag he was holding up his mouth -.- .
My legs were paining to death....until finally Kimi and his loser teammate Massa finally made it to the stage. And there he his red polo Ferrari shirt with his kakhee pants equipped with his tank top Ferrari cap and totally awesome shades!!! He looked shorter than he was on tele, and smaller too :s
The guy didn't wave to the crowd....just chilling with his red Kimi-ish....and that's why we all hail him...he was being Kimi.
No more than 7 minutes later I went up to the stage....and the first driver I saw was Massa. Sheesh like a cared about him....I was there for only 1 guy.....and a few steps later there he was, signing off posters, caps, and even foreheads. I only had this 1 cap bearing his name to autograph....since each of us were only allowed 1 item (BOOO!!). His PR manager beside him, took my cap, and with grace and ingenuity Kimi left his mark.....Mission accomplished.....and to round it all off the photographer managed to snap a pic of me with Kimi....barely
So there it was....3 minutes up close to him which defined my previous 8 years of admiring him on TV. I was no more than 5 cm away from him......totally the end of the day.....he looked like any normal Finn you'd find on the street.....only this was Kimi....2007 F1 world champion....arguably the fastest pure racing driver in the world....and I met was an awesome that I'll savor for a very.....very long time.....
And thanks Ek Wyn for the pics!!! I owe u ;)
P.S Life is defined by moments, moments of greatness. Now that's life.....
Posted by Ikitron at 1:58 AM 3 comments
Thursday, July 30, 2009
I won't will
You think you can break me huh.....not happening. You think you can bring me down, think again. If this is what you ask for so be I give a single damn.
You think you're great, think twice. I'm in it for the long run. Life is about 1% beauty and 99% pain. As the sun dawns, you're going down with it. I'll make full capacity of that. Give me a reason to not bring you down, heck give me half a reason why I shouldn't do so.
I'm sick of it. The lies, cover-ups, the hidings. I'm gonna emerge from the shadows before you can blink, bet you're life I would. Laugh as much as you the end of the day lets see who's the last one laughing.
You're useless. You think you can sit on the sidelines and boast?! Hell you're one dumb person. I've never met a more dumber person than you in my whole freaking life. I'm gonna send you down to crash and burn.
I live my life at my own will, no one dictates it for me. You don't decide a single crap that's gotta do with my life. Truth is you don't care, so stop acting like you do. This is my world to conquer. If I fail it is of my doing, and if I emerge victor it is I who achieved greatness, only me.
So be it. Let it. I'm no pretender. I know no fear. I am who I am, a person better and stronger than you think. I'd be more than happy if you wanna settle this at this very moment. You have my number. We can do this to the last red drop. I can. Question is, can you? Yeah thought so.....
P.S Life's a bitch, but I'm gonna tame it......
Posted by Ikitron at 7:29 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Malacca Day 2
Woke up on the rise of dawn....the wind brushing ever so gently on my skin, a touch of class no man will ever feel in a long time. The morning was young, the sun hadn't catapulted itself into the ever-blue sky, birds flew where the clouds took them.....ok fine la it was 9am in the morning
Faisal and Alias were running late for Henry's scheduled laser surgery in KL and thus rushed
Got back to the room at around 10, listened to some Linkin Park and Fort Minor....serious stuff. Then later received a fateful call....results are out =.= and thus went down to the lobby to use
the Wifi (which was super fast!) to check out the results. Turned out OK I guess....At 12 headed back to the room to get ready to head to the mall, some place called Mahkota Parade. Justine's parents gave us a lift in the family's BMW.....a beauty of a car I tell you, German engineering at its best, pure class, speed, handling, and acceleration.....what man doesn't desire that? The car eased through the narrow winding streets of Malacca with the grace of a swan, it took
corners the way birds flew in the sky. One day I shall handle the might of this vicious beast....
Ok back to reality, the mall reminded me of Putrajaya....barren land -_-. It was clean and nice
though to be honest, especially the restaurant where we had our lunch...Old Taste.....rings a bell? After lunch we headed to the cinema to watch Harry Potter 6 and when we got in....
Enough said
awesome sceneries....
Reached the hotel at around 7pm and half an hour later headed back out with Justine's parents via the BMW (*sighhhhh) to destination Jonker street. The place was a buzzing heaven when we got there. People from all walks of life and lands conjoined in the streets of Malacca looking for the greatest bargains humanly possible. Amongst the items sold were custom t-shirts, jewellry, hats, swords, toys, plaques, house decos, bags, pet, and a lotta personlized stuff.
Turns out Sam bargains better than me :p when I could only bargain stuff to as low as 10 bucks she'd go the extra mile by getting the same thing for 8 -.-.....if Justine's dad knew I'd be toast :S. Choosing gifts for our friends back in KL was blardy tough -.- . Got a whole migrane ZZzzzzzz
Then at some time past 9pm we headed to this cosy restaraunt around Jonker's street with all the stuff we bought for our unlucky friends who couldn't join us for the trip. Faisal and Alias joined us a short while later, having just gotten back from their emergency trip in KL. Ended up there till 12am where we talked about movies (Faisal thinks Troy rocked big time wth) and Justine was raving the whole night about Will Smith and David Archuleta -.-
After dinner we walked all the way back to the hotel whilst two particular people decided to take a hiatus on the trishaw. Walking in the alleys of the streets of Malacca was peaceful to say the least. The lanes were empty and quiet except for the tunes coming from the local pubs in the area.
We finally reached the hotel after a 10 minute or so walk where soon after it was back to the lobby for some online activities :p . I ended up making a movie-cameo of the videos my friend took of a BBQ me and some friends had the previous week. The end result...lamely whacky hahahaha!!!!
Finally went back up to the room at 5.30am '-_-.....wat happened after that....only time will tell :D
P.S Some things are better left unsaid
Posted by Ikitron at 12:41 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
Malacca Day 1
Malacca......a place somewhere in Malaysia......yeah why not.....3 days away from madness.....2 nights away from 'it'.
For the first time ever I witnessed a friend of mine drive.....wasn't impressed to say the least :p. Then later for the first time also witnessed another friend of mine drive, and was very impressed :). That was the story of my whole afternoon -_-
Reached Malacca around 2pm, then headed straight to some place called Jonker's street. Reminded me of Petaling street....but this Malacca style ;).....
It was friggin hot....Justine's mom couldn't take it, she was sweating at the same rate as me lol. That didn't stop her from grabbing all the prized jewels around the area though =.=
In the end me, Justine, Faisal, Samantha, and Alias went Jonker street hunting for....err....stuff...I'll let these pics tell the story...
After that we headed straight back to the hotel to freshen up, where I also watched in amusement from the comfort of our room as Faisal and Alias were busy having their pillowfight. Then me and Faisal decided to roam around for a while in the streets just to kill precious and boring time, and as a result of that we got lost. sighhh. However thanks to my awesome navigation skills we somehow managed to end up back to the hotel.
The whole 7 entourage of us which included Justine's parents then left the life-less hotel and headed to this place called the "Eye of Malaysia". Basically it's a just a really big wheel with capsules attached to it where humans can go in and sit opposite each other and stare endlessly at things that amuse them, be it old buildings, more old buildings, and even more old buildings. And apparently I learned something new: Justine's parents + heights = NO.
After that we headed for dinner at this mamak....yes they have mamaks in Malacca yeay -_-. Random convos came up, I'l just summarize them:
1. Justine's mom loves Bae Yong Jun
2. Justine love-d Bae Yong Jun (Justine had to let go of her love to her mom)
3. Justine's dad wants to learn Arab
4. Justine's dad speaks Tamil
5. Justine didn't know her dad spoke Tamil
6. While we were in Malacca Dre was busy singing along with his realtives in kl (random point)
After dinner we headed to some pub where Justine's parents had to catch up with this singer who sang some oldies at the pub. Me, Faisal, Samantha, Justine, and Alias were partially amused and ended up playing truth or dare and I had to sing remedies of Archie's songs to Justine so she wouldn't feel bored.
We then headed back to the hotel where Faisal and Alias discovered that they left the key in the room gahhhh. Luckily getting a 2nd key from the counter was easy :p. Then bla bla bla and here I am now stuck in the lobby with Justine who is busy looking for a job online while I am posting this. Day 2 awaits me tomorrow.
Posted by Ikitron at 2:25 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Land of nowhere
I need it......BADLY
The land of nowhere......the most awesome place on planet Earth.....
I need that place badly....a sanctuary of peace where I can feel the breeze and prosperity. A place far away from the drama and the complications of life itself. Sometimes you wonder why life is so it really that hard or are we making it hard?
Malacca can't come any sooner....I need that time away badly....its killing me...this feeling of all this worth fighting for I wonder....its so freaking hard. Sometimes I wonder why I get into these situations so often lately, I feel so empty and speechless. I need a guide, a real guide, someone who gets me, someone who can help me, someone who can put me outta this misery.
I need that place of calm where I don't have to worry about a single thing. A place where I can come and conquer own kingdom, my own sanctuary, my own place, my own world. I just want to run away from it all.
I wonder when this will all end.....and how badly it will end for me.
P.S Some things are better kept to yourself.....
Posted by Ikitron at 3:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 17, 2009
BBQ 101
Had an awesome barbeque at an awesome's friend's house. Unfortunately though the BBQ was done with a group of BBQ amateurs including myself. At the end of the day lessons were learned, rough lessons.....
1. Samantha is lazy
2. Samantha's mom told me Samantha is lazy
3. Faisal barbeques using petrol
4. Faisal gets free petrol
5. Dre likes charcoal
6. Rebecca = short hair = NO
7. Samantha's idea of preparing for a BBQ at her house = buy paper cups and plates, buy party hats, buy charcoal.
8. Justine loves sausages
9. Faiz likes his chickens grilled twice
10. Faisal is a good Arab chef
11. Rebecca is a good dishwasher
12. Samantha is a lazy bum
13. Never ever buy fish for BBQs
14. Chicken and lamb is NOT cheap
15. 1 Utama is useless for grocery shopping
16. Dre likes fire starters
17. Samantha is a computer noob
18. Faiz can get on my nerve when he's holding the camcorder :p
19. Justine is hyper =.=
20. BBQs are fun and wacky when you have it with BBQ noobs =)
P.S I'm broke
Posted by Ikitron at 12:40 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Dream on
My second day as a blogger......yay me -.-
Spoke to a friend today, really opened my eyes.
Dreams are awesome, you live them for you're whole life like there's no tomorrow. They shift you to deserted lands in you're own world which personifies you in your own right. When you live the dream you live the life you've always wanted, you lived for it, you grew up for it, you ate your vegetables for it, heck you're mom screamed her heart out for you when you popped out so that you can live you're dream.
Only problem is who's gonna give that dream to you? It is there, it is right there in front of you're eyes don't get me wrong. The only question that remains now is how will it be someone gonna give it to you? Or are you gonna take those long arms of yours and reach out for it? Either way someone's gonna have to make a move. You can either sit there with you're sorry @#% waiting for it IF it even comes or you can choose to step up and conquer it yourself with you're own mind, body, and soul. It's not that hard, it's life.
So get up, go out there, and go change the world, and I'll be right here watching you in the front row seat...
P.S I need to stop doing this =.=
Posted by Ikitron at 5:45 PM 0 comments