Monday, September 14, 2009

I'm me

I have enemies coz I stood up for things in my life....... one will deny that they have enemies.....

In my case though, I quote a friend.....

"in life, I've never hated anyone, its not my nature, I look at the big picture, if someone hates me, too bad, but fact is I don't hate anyone".

I mark every word of his and hold it tight to my chest, coz life is cruel. It is. If you don't think it is, it means you haven't grown up.

I've met different people in my whole life, each unique in their own way. Some are loved, some are hated. To me, they're just another person living their life, and for sure I see no reason to hate them.

I mean why should I hate them? coz they're irritating? Shove that word up you're a**.

If you think others are irritating, look at the mirror. Can you honestly tell yourself you are NOT an irritating person? Yea I figured......

People are different, yes we may not like these differences. But truth of the matter is, their intentions are always sincere, just like yours. Sometimes, you've just got to give something, that something's called a chance, go find it in the dictionary.

And others simply hate you for the way you are. They are jealous, yes they are. I have no freaking explanation as to why, but thats the way they are. Truth of the matter is, I could'nt care less....

Throughout my life I have taken crap, been called names, been beaten (mentally and physically), and been slandered. And I have continued to experience all that now at 19. But to be honest, I'm pretty pleased with myself. I believe I'm strong, I've taken these sorts of crap from different people, both in school and college, from all races. Yet I've never complained once. Whatever gets thrown at me, I only grab the facts, not the crap. Throughout my life I've learned and evolved. I've kept my cool constantly. I take crap with my bare hands, and not once have I taken it to heart. Fact is you can't break me. The only one who can break me is God.

I am strong. No matter what you say. I have a lot of unused energy to be unleashed inside, perhaps when the time comes. But for now, I'm pretty pleased with who I am. I am not gonna apologize for being me. What you see is what you get. If you like it, I can't thank you enough. If you don't, too bad, I couldn't give a fuck......

I pity people like you. People who love mocking others for the sake of themselves, people who love to hate people who are different. I have one word for people like you, narrow-minded. I've been around, the world is my classroom, and I think I've been lucky enough to go through this hell, for it makes me stronger tomorrow, no matter how deep the wound was yesterday.

One day, there shall be my the top.....where I belong

P.S I am Ikhsan


Justine said...

Your thoughts put to words = Amazing. =)

Ikitron said...


Andre Tan said...

me likey likey :) Great words! thanks for posting!