Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dream on

My second day as a blogger......yay me -.-

Spoke to a friend today, really opened my eyes.

Dreams are awesome, you live them for you're whole life like there's no tomorrow. They shift you to deserted lands in you're own world which personifies you in your own right. When you live the dream you live the life you've always wanted, you lived for it, you grew up for it, you ate your vegetables for it, heck you're mom screamed her heart out for you when you popped out so that you can live you're dream.

Only problem is who's gonna give that dream to you? It is there, it is right there in front of you're eyes don't get me wrong. The only question that remains now is how will it be someone gonna give it to you? Or are you gonna take those long arms of yours and reach out for it? Either way someone's gonna have to make a move. You can either sit there with you're sorry @#% waiting for it IF it even comes or you can choose to step up and conquer it yourself with you're own mind, body, and soul. It's not that hard, it's life.

So get up, go out there, and go change the world, and I'll be right here watching you in the front row seat...

P.S I need to stop doing this =.=